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In the last newsletter, we talked about the three main reasons thousands of ladies of Thailand are looking for YOU and not their local men. Thai girls typically see American men as more available, reliable and positive in their attitudes toward relationships and marriage. If you want to maximize your chances of finding HER among the thousands of Thai beauties who post profiles online every week, then read and react to these 3 Ways to Make Yourself Even More Desirable to Thai Women.
1. Dump Any Preconceived Notions About Thai Women:
You'd be surprised how many guys meet a foreign girl and get off to great start in courtship only to completely kill their momentum entirely with a few ignorant words. By ignorant, I mean things that are simply said without a true understanding of culture, intentions, habits, and life circumstances of foreign ladies, etc. Much of what we believe about Thai women is taught us by the media and is often short-sighted or just wrong. Also, we read a lot of misinformation on the bathroom walls of the internet. I can't tell you how many times a guy mistook typical behavior on the part of a Thai girl for some kind of scam he'd heard about on the internet, only to realize too late he misjudged. An example of this would be the common misconception that Thai girls will willingly Skype right away with a foreign guy if sincerely interested in getting to really know him. Lots of guys pressure foreign girls to Skype right at the beginning of communication, right after making an introduction in correspondence. There are two problems with this. One: Many women live with their families for economic reasons and have a lack of privacy. Two: 95% of guys who Skype, chat, write letters and such will never get on a plane and go anywhere to meet anyone. Because of the latter, foreign girls will balk at Skyping from home where family members will overhear. That will cause too many questions and lots of potentially unnecessary concern if the two of you never meet. There are other assumptions we make about foreign women before we understand their culture and circumstances. Do your best to start this journey with an open mind and learn the realities as you go along. Thai women will Skype and chat and email - they just want to get to know you first.
2. Accommodate The Language Barrier:
Unless you've an eye toward the Philippines where most girls will speak English, if you're going to court foreign women in their country, you're going to have to accommodate the language barrier. That means you'll need to find and pay for proper translation services. This needn't be expensive nor break anyone's bank, but failure to do so will simply confuse and possibly offend your foreign girl. Look, you made the decision to meet women from another country. You can imagine how foreign girls think of men who travel to their country to meet them, court them, seduce them - and expect to do all of that over Google Translate on a laptop. Sure, there are lots of apps and devices that can help out in a pinch but you're not going to impress your girl if you're the only couple in a crowded restaurant pecking keys on a laptop instead of talking naturally. If you're using an international marriage agency, call them and ask for ways to save money without losing your effectiveness. Realize that one of the reasons Thai girls use an agency to help them with their life-mate search is because that agency will provide some means for translation.
3. Create A Great Profile For Yourself:
As you decide how to make the right first impression and set up your online profile, here are a few tips to consider. Your photo is the single most important part of your online profile - choose wisely! I'm always amazed that men will roll out of bed, shave half their face, take a picture while they still look pretty rough - and that will be the picture they post on their online profile. Considering Thai ladies may or may not be able to read what you write to describe yourself, your picture is the first and best impression of who you are. Make a positive one. That so goes without saying. Take a bunch of pics in different places. Have your friend help out. Now, choose what you write carefully. Keep it positive and upbeat. Don't mention sex. Don't mention stereotypes. Don't mention the Red Light District. That is so unnecessary. Just write a happy representation of yourself and what you're looking for. Add a nice picture and you're already way ahead of the competition.
Thai women do read men's' profiles carefully and they look for self-respecting, positive-thinking, tender and romantic expressions. Keep an open mind, be prepared to accommodate her inability to speak English at first - this is tantamount to holding the door for her - and make your profile one any foreign girl would like to respond to. These are the best practices you can count on to make the right first impression.
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